Dr. Gernot Tscherteu
+43 1 996 2015
e-mail: gt@realitylab.at
Born 1965. Master in political science at University of Vienna. Doctor thesis, supervised by Helga Nowotny and Ulrike Felt, about the impact of digital media on the production and communication of knowledge.
Since 1991 media and interaction designer. Projects for Austrian Academy of Sciences, University of Applied Arts, EDVG, Sysis, Museumsquarter Vienna, ZKM Karlsruhe.
Since 1997 researcher and research-manager for ICT projects: web4groups, parq.at, mediafacade.net, mememapper.com.
Main research focus on:
collaborative Media, Web 2.0, interaction design, network visualisations, responsive media, media facades, media architectures, media in urban space.
- mememapper.com – a web service for tracking information diffusion in electronic media. (under development).
- Mediaarchitecture.org – web magazine.
- Co – organizer of Media Architecture Conference 2007 in London.
- Co – organizer of Media Facades Festival 2008 in Berlin.
- Lead partner of mediafacade.net, a research consortium of Austrian companies and research institutions that aims at the development of standardized building integrated media facades.
- Co- founder of planhaus.at, office for architecture and design.
- Co- founder of parq.at, platform for user participation in co-housing projects.
- Developer and project partner of wohnportal-berlin.de, an archive of co-housing projects in Berlin.
Here’s a list of [all projects].
please find the full list including links to the texts [here]
Gernot Tscherteu; Christian Langreiter. Explorative Netzwerkanalyse im Living Web. In: Andreas Blumauer, Tassilo Pellegrini. Social Semantic Web, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer 2008
Gernot Tscherteu. Media Facades: Fundamental Terms and Concepts, in “Media Facades” Exhibition Catalogue, Berlin 2008
Gernot Tscherteu, Christian Langreiter. Visualisierungen von Informationsflüssen in selbstorganisierten Wissensnetzwerken. In Learning Communities: Das Internet als neuer Lern- und Wissensraum. Christina Schachtner, A. H., Ed. Campus Verlag: Frankfurt am Main, 2008.
Tscherteu, Gernot. The Blogosphere Map 2. Visualising Microcontent Dissemination – Inspired by Maria MontessoriIn Microlearning: Emerging Concepts, Practices and Technologies. Theo Hug, M. L. P. A. B., Ed. Innsbruck, 2006.
Gernot Tscherteu. Weblogs: eine Webkultur des Wissens. http://www.realitylab.at/pdf/weblogs.pdf.
Tscherteu, Gernot; Langreiter, Christian. The BlogosphereMap. In BlogTalks. [BlogTalk – the First European Conference on Weblogs – http://blogtalk.net]. Burg, T. N., Ed. Cultural Research – Zentrum für Wissenschaftl. Forschung u. Dienstleistung: Wien, 2003, pp 174–190.
Gernot Tscherteu. The Reality Lab. http://www.realitylab.at/wp/publications/wirklichkeitslabor/wirklichkeitslabor-english.
Wolf, Bernhard; Tscherteu, Gernot; Urban, Reini. Parallelinfo USA: Russland 2001/2000, Erstausg.; Ed. Selene: Wien, 2002; (http://parallelinfo.mur.at ; ein paralleles Projekt).
Gernot Tscherteu. CALC – Organische Ästhetik. In LKW – Dinge zwischen Leben, Kunst &. Werk: Katalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im OK Linz. OK Linz, Ed. Linz, 1999.
Gernot Tscherteu. CALC – Die interaktive Atelierskulptur. Kunstforum – International
1998 (Vol. 142)
Tscherteu, Gernot. Medien, Kulturen, Wirklichkeiten; zur kulturellen Bewältigung alter und neuer Medien, 1998. http://www.realitylab.at/dizz.shtml.
Roland Alton-Scheidl, Peter Paul Sint, Gernot Tscherteu, Ed.: Rating, Voting, Annotation; Web4Groups and other Projects: approaches and first experiences. Wien, 1997
Gernot Tscherteu. A Game for Linking Rating and Dynamic Group Organisation. In Rating, Voting, Annotation; Web4Groups and other Projects: approaches and first experiences. Roland Alton-Scheidl, P. P. S. G. T., Ed. Wien, 1997.
Diallo, Samba; Alton Scheidl, Roland; Tscherteu, Gernot. Social Functions in Virtual Communities. Informatik Forum, 1996 (Vol. 10, Nr. 2.)